anthology, Elaine Isaak, fiction, Love Free or Die, New Hampshire Pulp Fiction, paranormal romance, romance, Troy Ehlers

Love Free or Die, New Hampshire Pulp Fiction, featuring fiction by Troy Ehlers. Elaine Isaak, editor.
My latest story, “Glimmering Places” is now available to order! Love Free or Die (titled after the NH state motto “Live Free or Die”) is the 4th installment of Plaidswede’s New Hampshire Pulp Fiction anthology series. This is the romance volume, available just in time for Valentine’s Day! (ORDER HERE) My story is a modern paranormal romance about a recently widowed father and his young daughter, who claims to see her mother’s spirit.
Edited by Elaine Isaak, this anthology also features:
”Come Live With Me and Be My Love” by Michael Samuels
“Canobie Kisses” by Kari Lemor
“The Republic’s Last Revolution” by S. J. Cahill
“Hate Everybody” by Robin Small
“I Fall in Love with a Dog on Elm Street” by Judi Calhoun
“A Second Chance” by Shana Chartier
“Closure” by Anna Boghigian
“Summer Portrait” by Jessie Salisbury
“Portsmouth Propriety” by Susan E. Kennedy
“Psychodrome and Skyway” by Abby Goldsmith
“Casualties” by Sylvia Beaupre
“Eyre & Earp” by James Isaak
“When Autumn Leaves Fall” by David O’Keefe
“Catch” by Leah Brent
“Unbranding” by Justine Graykin
“K-Force” by Timothy Boudreau
“Deeply in Love” by Norman Klein
“Lambent Insularity” by B. K. Rakhra
“Rescued” by KJ Montgomery
“Lost and Found” by Melva Michaelian
“The Hike” by Robert E. Owen
“All’s Fair” by Amy Ray